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Hoarding Cleanup - Steri-Clean® Oregon

Hoarding is a practice where a person holds onto everything – believing the items will be of some use or will become valuable in the future. People who hoard often tell themselves this even if the item is broken or damaged beyond repair. Psychologists have found that hoarding is often associated with disorders such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), depression, and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Many hoarders have some amount of anxiety
as well.

Hoarding Cleanup Services in Oregon


Fortunately, there is hope for hoarders. In many cases, hoarding can be cured with cognitive behavioral therapy. While this helps the mental and emotional part of the problem, the residences of hoarders often have tables, chairs, and rooms stacked with unnecessary items the person has held on to. In many homes, it can be difficult to walk into a room or down a hallway because they are packed with items that have no other place to go.


In some severe cases of hoarding, rodent and insect infestations have become a problem. There is just no way to get around all the stuff to clean, and these critters are able to hide just about anywhere, thus causing further damage.


Expert Hoarding Cleanup Done With Care


Once the mental side of the problem is addressed, the home often needs professionals to come in and clear away all the items that have built up over months and years. At STERI-CLEAN® OREGON, we understand that under all the mess there may be true heirlooms or treasured mementos hiding. We work with this in mind; we believe in being compassionate and caring during the entire hoarding cleanup process. We understand the process is difficult for hoarders; it can be hard on family and friends as well.


Once the hoarding cleanup is complete and the home has been cleared of excess items, we clean the impacted spaces to restore them to their original look. If necessary, we eliminate odors and clean carpets and floorboards. It doesn’t matter if the problem is big and has lasted for years or has just started; we offer support from beginning to end.

For more info about hoarding please visit

Call today! Our 24 hour toll-free number is 1-888-577-7206

Hoarding Cleanup Before and After Photos
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